11 Little Known Acne-Fighting Tips


Usually, acne on your face pops up at the most inopportune moment. You get it either before a first date or an important business meeting. In adolescence, you could console yourself that these are hormones, and soon everything will pass. But this problem continues even when you are 30. 

The reasons for their appearance are well known, such as dirt or infection. Hence the rule is not to touch your face with dirty hands. But how can you prevent such a problem from occurring? 

How To Prevent Acne?

Here are some tips and tricks that can help in preventing acne.

1. Wash Your Makeup Brushes And Sponges 

Ideally, you should wash all brushes and sponges that come into contact with the skin on the face two times a week. But if they touch powdery products, then you can do this one time. They accumulate a huge number of bacteria and microscopic foci of infection, which mix with your cosmetics and get on the skin. 

To wash them properly, soak your brushes in warm water for 5 minutes. Then wring out with a soft sponge, apply hair conditioner, rub lightly, and rinse with warm water. Then dry your brushes by spreading them out on a clean towel.

2. Store All Facial Cosmetics In Sealed Containers

Factory packaging for cosmetics is good but not always enough to stop dirt particles from getting inside. So keep all the products you need for your face in a tight-fitting cosmetic bag. It is even better if you keep them in a separate container. 

3. Eat Healthy Foods

What we eat and drink reflects directly on our skin. If we use harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs, and nicotine, our skin will become dehydrated, causing acne. Thus, refrain from using such harmful substances and drink as much water as possible. 

But if you are unable to stop yourself from using, for example heroin, you need to get assistance from a specialist. There are several rehabs for heroin treatment that can help you in this regard. Apart from these things, add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. These include carrots, tomatoes, spinach, blueberries, and leafy vegetables.

4. Keep Your Phone Away

Touchscreens easily pick up dirt and then stick to your cheek and share it generously with your skin. If you answer calls for a minute or two and then hang up, then this will not have time to damage you. 

However, if conversations last 5 minutes or longer, then the skin touching the smartphone has every chance of getting irritated. A headset or headphones will save your skin in this situation.

5. Don’t Let Your Friends Use Your Makeup

An emergency can happen when your best friend urgently needs to use your cosmetic bag when her own is not at hand. Only then can you take the risk of sharing makeup. In all other cases, feel free to refuse, even if she takes just one crumb from the very edge with sterilized hands. 

Other people harbor a huge amount of bacteria that are not native to your skin. They are just waiting to damage the clean and smooth skin of the face.

6. Test Yourself For Mini Food Allergies

In addition to real food allergies that you need to consult with a real allergist, there are also mini-allergies that don’t make you sick but cause acne. You can diagnose the presence of such an allergy by yourself if you carefully monitor which products cause skin rashes within 12 hours of their use. 

Insidious foods include caffeine, alcohol, high doses of sugar, and dairy products. Chances are, skipping a cup of invigorating coffee in the morning will save you a lot of money that would have been spent on cleansing your face.

7. Avoid Using Body Cosmetics On Your Face

Not all things are interchangeable. You can easily take a face cream and moisturize almost any part of your body, from your heels to your toes. There will be no harm from this, only benefit from a cosmetic point of view. But remember not to use body products on the delicate skin of the face. 

Creams, lotions, and other substances that target large areas of skin have a coarser texture. It can be irritating, especially if your skin is complex or sensitive. Of course, not everyone will have such a reaction, but why risk it?

8. Avoid Applying Makeup With Your Fingers 

No matter how thoroughly we wash our hands, there may still be something on them that will gladly crawl from under our nails to our favorite cream. Therefore, use a makeup brush to apply any products to your face. Besides, doing makeup with brushes will provide better coverage.

9. Put Silk Pillowcases On Your Pillows

Silk pillowcases are not a luxury but a smart investment in clean skin. Cotton rubs against your skin while you sleep, and any friction can cause unnecessary irritation. So if you are not a fan of sleeping in the pose of a staunch tin soldier strictly on your back, then pay attention to cute and pleasantly cool silk bedding.

9. Find Quality Toothpaste

Most toothpaste contains fluorides, which, in an amicable way, are needed only by one person in a hundred thousand. The dentist will definitely tell you about your need for dental health during a routine examination.

 If he didn’t say anything like that, then feel free to sweep aside all toothpaste with high fluoride content and look for something else. Fluoride compounds quite often cause small rashes around the mouth, lips, and chin.

10. Change Cosmetics Depending On The Season

In summer and winter, our face needs different degrees of protection. If you always use the same thing without protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays in summer and cold in winter, then this will backfire with the appearance of acne. So, with every change of season, change not only your clothes for going out but also your skincare set.

By following the tricks mentioned in this article, you can prevent acne and keep your skin free of spots.