Hitting the Target: 7 Must-Have Rifle Accessories for Beginners

rifle accessories

Are you looking to step up your rifle shooting skills? Shooting a rifle can be a lot of fun, and a rifle is a great tool for hunting various types of prey.

However, without the right accessories, you’ll only be able to take your rifle shooting skills so far. What rifle accessories do you need? How do you choose the right accessories?

Check out this guide to discover the must-have rifle accessories for beginners.

1. Bullets

You’re not going to get very far in your rifle shooting without the right bullets. When selecting bullets for your rifle, one of the main things you need to take into consideration is the calibre.

Calibre refers to the diameter of the barrel, and therefore, the diameter of the bullet that goes into the barrel. There are a lot of different bullet sizes, and each one offers its own benefits.

Here are some of the top options:

  • .22LR: These are best for long rifles and pistols. These are cheap and great for learning.
  • 9mm: These are great for range shooting and self-defence.
  • .38 Special: This type of bullet is bigger and comes with more power.
  • .223/.308: These types of bullets will allow you to shoot off rifle rounds.

The main thing you need to remember is to choose the right-sized bullet for your gun. Also, keep in mind that while bigger bullets come with more power, they also cost more.

To ensure that your bullets work to the best of their ability, you also need to focus on proper storage. It’s best to store your ammunition in a cool, dark, dry place. Most gun owners keep their bullets locked up with their rifles and other gun accessories. You can check out Strike Industries for bullets and other rifle accessories.

2. Rifle Sling

Another very important accessory to purchase is a rifle sling. A sling allows you to carry your rifle over your shoulder with ease. This way, your hands are free for other tasks.

When choosing a rifle sling, one of the biggest things you want to keep in mind is the type of rifle you’re buying. Single-point slings mainly fit AR15 rifles and other types of tactical rifles.

Two-point slings, on the other hand, are available in a wide range of configurations and types. Therefore, it’s important to know what type of attachment will work best with your rifle.

Just as rifles come in all shapes and sizes, so too do rifle owners. Therefore, it’s also important to keep in mind the adjustability of the sling. If you buy a two-point sling, look for a model that can be adjusted from both ends for maximum versatility.

Another thing you need to consider when choosing a rifle sling is the material. Nylon is the most popular material by far, but leather is also a great option.

3. Scope

A rifle scope can help take your shooting game to the next level, especially when you’re hunting outdoors. A scope serves as a magnifying monocle that allows you to search the area for more precise shooting.

Scopes also allow you to magnify your target so you can easily defend yourself from afar. You can also use a scope when hunting to locate the correct part of an animal so your first shot can stop them in their tracks. This also helps to minimize the pain animals experience when you shoot them, as you don’t have to track down a wounded animal over a great distance.

A good scope will also make it easier for you to hunt in poor lighting conditions. Here are some things you want to keep in mind when buying a rifle scope:

Magnification Level

When buying a rifle scope, one of the biggest things you want to keep in mind is the magnification level. While you may think you should buy a scope with the most magnification possible, this isn’t always the case.

Too much magnification won’t allow you to see the whole picture when it comes to your hunting surroundings. If you primarily use your rifle for target shooting up to 100 yards away, then you should look for a scope with 1 to 4 times the magnification.

If you use your rifle for target shooting up to 200 yards away, then look for a scope with 5 to 8 times the magnification. If you plan to shoot targets that are over 200 yards away, then look for rifle scope with 9 to 12 times the magnification level.

Variable vs. Fixed Magnification

If a rifle scope comes with fixed power, that means it only uses one magnification level. If it comes with variable power, that means you can adjust the magnification level.

Variable power allows you to shoot in a variety of situations and environments. However, a variable scope is generally more expensive than a fixed scope.

The Objective Lens

You can find the objective lens at the end of the scope. This piece is responsible for transmitting light. Generally speaking, the larger the objective lens, the clearer and brighter your image will be.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should buy the scope with the most objective lens. If a scope has too much objective lens, it may add on too much weight and make your scope more prone to the reflection of the sun. This will reveal your shooting position.

If you’re engaging in close-range hunting and you have a low power scope, look for an objective lens that is 28 mm or smaller. If your firearm has a lot of recoil and you’re hunting in low light, look for an objective lens that 30 to 44 mm.

Lastly, if you’re shooting from a long-range and using a lot of magnification in low light, choose an objective lens that’s 50 mm and up.

Eye Relief

Eye relief refers to the distance between your eye and the ocular lens. Investing in adequate eye relief will allow you to save yourself from a bruised eye.

How much eye relief you should invest in will depend on your rifle’s recoil. The higher the rifle recoil, the more eye relief you’ll need. At a minimum, you want to invest in a scope with a minimum of 3 to 4 inches of eye relief.

4. Rangefinder

Another accessory you need to invest in is a rangefinder. A rangefinder allows you to accurately measure the distance from your hunting spot to your target. This means you can make more precise shots.

When choosing a rangefinder for your rifle, make sure to look for one that can handle long distances while still offering reliable measurements. You may also want to consider buying one with an IR light so you can have good night vision.

5. Bipod

Rifle bipods are great for those situations when you need to hold your rifle up to your eyes for prolonged periods of time. They’re great for brush hunting or for situations where you’re trying to defend your position.

Bipods allow you to conserve your energy by keeping you hands-free for other tasks. When searching for a rifle bipod, look for one that is compact and lightweight so it’s easy to carry and store.

However, you also want to look for a bipod that’s robust enough to tackle potential on-field damages as well as big recoils.

6. Flashlight

If you plan to hunt in the dark, a flashlight is another must-have accessory if you don’t have an IR scope. Even if you do have an IR scope, a recoil-proof flashlight can make it easier for you to see all of your surrounding targets at a closer distance.

When buying a flashlight, look for one with multiple modes. Ideally, you want to find a flashlight with an SOS or strobe mode should you need to send out a signal if you’re in danger. You also want to make sure the flashlight you purchase is easy to mount and lightweight enough so as not to destabilize your rifle.

If the flashlight comes with a helmet or head mount, even better.

7. Gun Safe

Last but not least, you need somewhere to store your rifle when it’s not in use. A lot of people choose to store their rifles in a gun safe. These come with a combination code for maximum security.

If you have a number of rifles and need more space, you may want to look into a gun cabinet. You can also use a trigger lock or store your rifle in a case.

Rifle Accessories: Time to Purchase

Now that you know about the best rifle accessories, it’s time to start making your purchases. With these accessories in tow, you’ll be able to step up your shooting game.

Be sure to check back in with our blog for more rifle-related news and tips.