8 Best Yoga Asanas for Knee Pain Relief


If you’re someone who frequently suffers from knee pain, then you know just how debilitating it can be. Even something as simple as climbing a single stair can feel like a mammoth task. Knee pain is often caused by injured tissues or weakened bones in the joints and can be extremely bothersome.

Yoga is a great way to naturally reduce pressure on the knees and provide instant relief. This article outlines the best yoga poses for knee pain relief so you can try to control the pain on your own.

Causes Of Knee Pain:

Here are a few reasons why you may be experiencing knee pain:

  • – Arthritis
  • – Menopause
  • – Obesity
  • – Physiological ageing
  • – Injury
  • – Usage of certain drugs
  • – People who perform high-mobile activities like soccer players, bodybuilders, and athletes.

How Can Yoga Help With Knee Pain:

Yoga has a special place in India, as it is a natural way to tone and strengthen your muscles. If you are suffering from chronic knee pain, then that is most likely caused by the injury of ligaments, knee capsules, muscles, combined cavities, or other connective tissues.

Yoga has been known to help reduce the sharp pain of the knee joint, and it is always necessary to be careful before you try any pose and how it affects your ailments. Baba Ramdev knee treatment and Iyengar Yoga for knee pain are the two accessible Yoga poses that the yoga gurus are propagating.

Best Yoga Poses That Give Comfort To Your Knees:

There are certain yoga poses that can help reduce knee pain. Here are a few to look into:

  1. Camel Pose
  2. Half Camel Pose
  3. Garland Pose
  4. Cow Face Pose
  5. Fire Log Pose

1. Bridge Pose (Sethu Bandhasana):

The bridge pose, or Sethu Bandhasana, is an excellent yoga asana for knee pain relief that helps you stretch your joints and reduce tension. You can do this pose at home, and it will invigorate your body while reducing knee pain. Be sure to breathe deeply and evenly throughout the entire process.

  • To perform the bridge pose for knee pain relief:
  • Start by lying on your back with your hands by your sides.
  • As you inhale, lift your hips and knees while putting pressure on your hands and shoulders.

2. Hero’s Pose (Virasana):

Hero pose, also called Virasana, is an effective knee strengthening yoga pose that can help reduce fatigue in your legs after a long day. This asana works by crushing synovial fluid into the entire knee joint, which helps to lubricate and protect the joint. Additionally, this pose helps to elongate the quadriceps muscles, providing a gentle stretch. If you have a previous knee injury, it is best to avoid this stretch or at least perform it under the guidance of a trained yoga instructor.

Here’s how to do the Hero Pose:

  1. Start by kneeling on a yoga mat placed on the floor.
  2. Bring your knees together so that there is a gap between your feet.
  3. Place your thumbs firmly on the floor.

3. Makarasana:

Crocodile pose, also called Makarasana, is one of the best yoga exercises for knees because it helps reduce inflammation and control spasms. It’s also considered one of the most comfortable poses in yoga for knee pain relief.

To perform crocodile pose:

  • – Place a yoga mat on the floor and lie down on your stomach with your arms above your head and your knees bent, only your toes touching the floor.
  • – Breathe slowly and raise your arms and legs simultaneously off the floor as high as you can.
  1. Chair Pose (Utkatasana):

Utkatasana, or chair pose, is an excellent stretch for knee pain because when you do this pose, your body weight transfers to your hip sockets. This takes pressure off your knees and also strengthens them by pointing your hamstrings and quads.

  • Here’s how to do the chair yoga pose if you’re looking to relieve some knee pain:
  • Start by standing straight with your feet slightly apart and your hands down by your sides.
  • Slowly bend your knees, like you’re sitting in an invisible chair.
  • Reach your hands up overhead, keeping them straight if possible.

·         Hold the pose for several breaths before standing back up.

5. Tree Pose (Vriksasana):

The Tree Pose, or the Vruksasana, is an an ancient and popular balancing yoga pose that helps to strengthen the knees. It’s also a relatively easy pose to perform, making it accessible for people who are looking for relief from knee pain.

To perform the Tree Pose:

1. Stand erect with your hands at your sides and feet together.

2. Slowly raise your hands upward until they meet in front of you in a Namaskar (prayer position).

3. Now lift your right foot and place it on the inner part of your left thigh.

4. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds.

5. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Veerasana (Warrior Pose):

The Veerasana or Warrior pose is a pain relief stretch often recommended in yoga for those who experience knee joint pain. This pose helps tone the muscles surrounding the knee joint areas, and is known to be effective in relieving pain in the knees. People with knee issues can try out this Warrior pose as it is relatively safe and helps stabilize your knee.

To perform the Warrior pose:

– Stand straight with your hands stretched out parallel to the ground and a hip-width gap between your feet.

– Slowly bend your right knee forward while stretching your left leg simultaneously.

– Remain in this position for 10 seconds.

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers:

1. Can Performing Yoga with Bad Knees Be Ok?

Yoga can be extremely beneficial for your knees, helping to reduce pain and improve strength and flexibility. If you have a severe knee injury, it is best to avoid any kind of exercise until it has healed. Otherwise, yoga is a low-impact workout that can be performed regularly to help improve your knee health.

2. How do I Protect My Bad Knees During Yoga?

Ans. There are some simple rules you can follow to make yoga more comfortable, especially if you have bad knees.

Always use a mat while doing yoga. This will help protect your knees from the hard floor and provide some cushioning.

Keep breathing during the whole process. This will help you relax and focus on your movements.

Try to micro-bend your knee. This will help stretch and strengthen the muscles around your knee joint.

If you are taking the help of a trainer, then express all your concerns about your knee pain so that there are modifications made accordingly. This way, you can still practice yoga without further injuring your knees.

3. How Does Diet Affect Your Knee Pain?

Diet plays an important role in treating knee pain. Maintaining a healthy weight will help reduce the pressure on your knees. Try to add fresh vegetables, fruits, and healthy beverages to your diet. Avoid spicy, salty, and deep-fried foods.