Online Slot Websites features in place to protect punters


The gambling industry is constantly changing and some of the biggest transformations took place in 1996 when the first online casinos appeared on the internet. This changed the entire world of gambling beyond recognition. It changed how people gamble and the types of people who gamble – visit Daisy Slots.

The industry is still feeling the effects of these changes today. With so many people now gambling regularly from home and on the go, customer safety has become the top priority, and this is why the UK Gambling Commission was created in the first place. 

The Purpose of a Gambling Commission 

In the UK the UK Gambling Commission is the main body that licenses and regulates all forms of gambling. It was formed to prevent unlicensed online casinos from operating during the boom years, but now covers all forms of UK gambling. All operators who offer gambling products must meet all the criteria laid out by the commission if they want a full UK gambling license. However, their responsibilities do not stop there. The UK Gambling Commission must also act upon any problems that are created during changes in the industry that are seen as a threat to the safety of gamblers. 

Recent Changes 

Because of the increase in gambling addiction, the UK Gambling Commission has been pressured into action on several occasions recently. You may notice that when you join an online casino, that the banking options available are smaller than they used to be. This is because, after consultation with the UK government and pressure groups, a new law was passed to ban gambling with credit cards across the board. This was done to prevent individuals from running up huge gambling debts. 

Safer Gambling Tools 

The focus has moved towards gambling addiction prevention in recent years, and this is why all online slot websites promote their safer gambling tools. These are thought to give customers the power to control their gambling habits better. The tools include deposit limits and when these are activated on player accounts, it is impossible to deposit once you have reached the limit set. There are also Time-Out options that allow you to take a break from gambling for between 24 hours, a week, a month, or 6 weeks. If you want longer, then you can use Gamstop, but you cannot reverse a Gamstop decision. There are also automatic so-called Gambling Reality Checks that flash on the screen every so often that remind you of how long you have been playing, how much you have spent and how much you have lost as well. 

More Changes on The Way 

More changes to gambling platforms have recently been agreed upon and are being rolled out across online slot sites and these include the disabling of the gamble function on slot games and the autoplay function that allows you to set up how many spins you want to play through without having to press spin continuously. It is thought that this move will slow downplay, and help punters keep track of their spending.