Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Issues in Education: Challenges For Modern-Day Schools

Cultural Linguistic Diversity Education

Today, we have full access to education. If you want to get a degree, you can go to school, enter a college and get your diploma. Almost every person has the ability and opportunities to become a part of the educational system. Such a tendency proved to be true in recent years when more and more people were fighting for education accessibility. And it was a fruitful activity. Have a look at the Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Issues faced in Education sector:-

Students from different parts of the world can participate in the educational system in any other country. Being a student, you can get a grant to study in school, college, or university. The tendency towards better education caused millions of young people to move around the world seeking a better studying opportunity. 

For this reason, classes became more diversified. People from different regions of a country or other areas in the world could find themselves studying in the same classroom. It has become a common issue for modern schools and other educational institutions. And wants to open your eyes to diversity issues in the education system. The question is quite controversial and can raise a plethora of questions. But it is worth an in-depth discussion. 

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity From Teacher’s Perspective

First of all, these are teachers who face the challenge to communicate with people from different cultures, linguistic communities, and ethnicities. Being a teacher, you need to find common ground with others and help them socialize better. 

You are a lucky one if you have a tolerant team of students who are ready to adjust to each other, accept new things, and gravitate towards normal and fruitful communication in a class. But, unfortunately. Some things test teachers again and again. The issue of linguistics and cultural diversity asks for courageous steps and reasonable actions. 

What should a teacher do if there are different cultures and ethnicities in the class? Each situation is different. You never know what approach to take to make everyone feel comfortable. But here are some basic pieces of advice that might help you alleviate the tense situation in the class:

  • Treat everyone in the same way. There are always cultures that surpass others and cultures that try to keep up with the world. At a young age, children may have little understanding of their place in the world. And you, as a teacher, should help them feel equally worthy. Your major task is to make them have similar treatment. This way, they won’t experience a growing inequality and rage toward one another. 
  • As a teacher, you should also pay attention to the awareness of the students. Do they know much about other countries and cultures? How do they feel about other nations and ethnicities? If you notice any bad behavior signs, you need to take matters into your own hands.  Your main task is to raise awareness, understanding, and tolerance. It will surely help if there are any kinds of offenses in the class. You have to cut them entirely and ensure there’s no violence in the class. 
  • What if students use different languages to communicate with each other? If you have some students who don’t get the information clearly, patience will help you. When explaining the information, you need to use alternative methods. These could be presentations, videos, pictures, or other interactive methods to make all students engaged in the process. 
  • Make sure to hold different events focused on cohesion and solidarity. You can ask students to play interesting games, take part in quizzes or involve them in other completing activities. When they feel team spirit, they will feel like a single unit. 

This is your task as a teacher to raise awareness and encourage students to be more tolerant towards each other, share experiences, values, and traditions. 

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity From Student’s Perspective

How do students respond to the fact that they study in a multicultural environment? To be true, it differs a lot. You never know how this or that person will respond to the fact that the class consists of people from different cultures. In most cases, students enjoy communicating with representatives of other cultures. 

But various conflicts may arise due to the difference in cultures. In such cases, this is a teacher who should address the issues. If students fail to tolerate the differences of each other, they need help from a more experienced person. It is necessary to pay attention to such conflicts and explain what is tolerable and what should be prohibited. 

Sometimes, the problem is much deeper and it is necessary to get to the essence of the issue. If you feel uncomfortable when communicating with a student from another ethnicity or cultural environment, you should reconsider your principles and views. 

Final Words 

Facing multicultural issues is a common problem for the modern world. We are so multifaceted, and it’s great. But there are still some concerns in the education system towards the different cultures combined in one classroom. 

If you experience these issues, you should know how to manage them to the benefit of each participant in the communication process. Sometimes, it is difficult to find common ground with others in the class. But with the common efforts of a teacher and students, everything is possible. Thus, if you have any misconceptions about multiculturalism, you should work on them, especially in the education process.