3 Mistakes with Cloud Security and How to Avoid Them

Mistakes with Cloud Security

In the year 2021, we’ve mostly migrated to the cloud as the backbone of our daily workflow. Files, data, and elements of all kinds live online and not on the personal hard drives of our work computers. That comes with a lot of conveniences and increased efficiency, yes. It also comes with a whole wealth of security concerns that might be brand new to you. While there may be many benefits of the cloud, there are also many mistakes with cloud security that businesses make. What are some of these blunders that you’ll want to avoid in your own work? Read on and we’ll walk you through everything that you should be concerned about.

1. Not Controlling Cloud Access

When you put information on the cloud, you don’t want just anyone to be able to go and access it. In fact, you may not even want everyone at your own business to be able to access it. 

You need to have access control settings active on your system. This will help to prevent users of various stripes from obtaining access to restricted information on your computer.

A user will need both the authorization to access certain portions of the cloud and they will need to authenticate their identity before being allowed entry. 

You may require multiple levels of authentication in order to have certain information accessed. You might be able to use face recognition technology, thumbprint technology, or even key fobs to help control access to information stored on the cloud.

2. Follow Rigorous Encryption Standards

Your business should do everything at the highest level and that includes protecting your data. Many business owners make the mistake of relying only on the encryption abilities of their cloud provider.

This is a big mistake, as most cloud providers do not offer very high-quality encryption programs.

The point of encryption is to protect sensitive data from attackers outside. When you upload something to the cloud, the information should be encoded into an unreadable format, unable to be deciphered by outside hackers.

If you fail to encrypt your files or encrypt them well enough, you could leave yourself vulnerable to outside attack. This is more or less the greatest risk that exists for your data. It’s important to take it seriously.

If you need help crafting the perfect cloud security plan, you might want to look into the resources at https://briebug.com/devops-cloud.

3. Not Deleting Unneeded Data

If you are a business that pulls in a lot of sensitive data from clients, you have a responsibility to protect that information. A breach of that sensitive information could be a massive PR nightmare for your company. 

It’s happened before to major companies and the damage done is hard to express. It’s a massive problem and one you’ll want to avoid.

You need to ensure your company is not making the mistake of incomplete data deletion. With information spread out all over the cloud, you need to ensure there are procedures in place that will scrap every last bit of data when the time comes.

Leaving sensitive information lying around after the time has passed where you need access to it? It’s a risk that doesn’t make sense to entertain. 

Avoid Mistakes With Cloud Security

If you’re running your workflow off the cloud, you’ll want to get familiar with the above mistakes with cloud security. Avoiding these mistakes can help to ensure your operations continue to run smoothly.

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