Top trends in Node.js in 2021

Node.js in 2021

More and more companies are migrating their business to online markets. And nowadays, choosing the right framework has become one of the most important and challenging questions.

Node.js is a web and app development technology that has seen steady growth ever since day one and will surely remain a trend in the upcoming years.

In this article, we take a dive into the depths of Node.js trends to watch in 2021. Let’s start to learn more about Node.js and its popularity.

Why is Node.js so popular?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JS engine. The popularity of Node.js has increased worldwide because of its extremely fast performance and open-source flexibility. Node comes with an extensive library of JavaScript modules that make the development process easier. 

Leading Trends in Node.js in 2021

Here, we tell you about the most predicted trends in Node.js that can significantly help businesses to compete in 2021.

  1. GraphQL Deployment 

GraphQL is a query language. With GraphQL, clients can request the data they need from the server, and the server will send a JSON response to the query. The client can ask and receive only exactly what is required. 


MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.JS) and MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS) are technology stacks for powerful app development. These technologies enable a developer to create complex applications and front-end web apps.

3. Real-Time Apps

Real-time apps provide a set of incredible features and speed. These apps include live chats, social media integration, ad servers, gamification, stock exchange features, etc. 

Node.js apps can serve tons of servers for data-intensive and real-time IoT device apps as well. However, these real-time apps can overload a server. Node.js allows the collaboration environment to update seamlessly due to Event API and Web Sockets.

The other real-time apps built using Node.js frameworks are:

  • Video conference apps
  • Document sharing apps
  • Voice over Internet Protocol
  • Online gaming
  • E-commerce transactions like stockbroking
  • Instant messaging apps

4. Serverless Architecture

Node.js is known for its serverless architecture. Developers do not have to worry about maintaining the servers for creating an application. It reduces the dependency on hardware and servers, which means less cost of development. 

5. Internet of Things

Node.js is an amazing source to build apps for the Internet of Things. The main benefit of using Node.JS is to translate to faster real-time execution. It demands less memory and requires fewer resources on the server-side.  


If you have questions regarding node js development, you can always contact us via site vtlabs. We have the best Node.js experts ready to answer all your questions. Looking forward to hearing from you.