The Product Packaging Design Process


The product packaging design process includes several stages. These stages include the initial dieline draft, Information architecture, Review and approval stage, and Budget. 

These stages are critical to the success of your project. Understanding them will make the process more effective and efficient. The process can take several months or even years. 

Here’s a quick overview of some of the most important steps. When designing a package, consider these tips to end up with successful shipping boxes. They will ensure that your project is a success.

Dieline draft

The dieline draft is an important part of the product packaging design process. It shows the actual size and shape of the package and is usually created using Adobe Illustrator. 

However, if you are designing a package for a print company, you may want to use a different program. When creating a deadline, you must ensure that it is as accurate as possible to avoid costly errors. The dieline should be created in the proper color and format for the printer to accept it. 

Once the product is determined, the deadline is used to determine the size, shape, and color of the package. The dieline must hold the product securely in place, or it will be damaged during the packaging process. 

It is also important to consider the material the package will be made from. The weight of the package will affect the design. It is important to make sure the deadline is sized correctly for printing.

Information Architecture

Product packaging designers have to deal with many factors. Usually, this design involves creating a user experience that is user-friendly. To make the user experience as simple and intuitive as possible, the information architecture is designed. 

An information architect will sketch out the ideas for the screens, content, and layout of the product. These wireframes will be used as a reference by visual designers. They will also document the information architecture design.

The information architecture is a key factor in designing the best product packaging. Product packaging should present the product in an easy-to-understand way and include two or three key messages. Besides the product’s name, information architecture should also include images and testimonials. 

Moreover, information architecture should include instructions for usage. Moreover, the user should have a clear image of the product. By providing information architecture, the user can easily recognize the product and make an informed decision about it.

Review and approval stage

The design of a product’s package will determine the appeal and marketing message. It will also be important to consider the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the package. 

It is essential to incorporate several iterations and gather many opinions throughout the process. As a result, it can take a long time to complete. To speed up the process, designers will use specialized software to automate the review and approval phase.

The review and approval stage is crucial for successful product packaging. It allows stakeholders to give feedback on the design, make revisions, and ask questions. The review process takes several days, depending on the complexity of the design and the amount of feedback provided by stakeholders. 

The designer will then receive approval timestamps for the design. The final step is the commercial print run. Once this is complete, the design team will move on to the next step, the monitoring and approval stage.


You may want to make a budget for the product packaging design process. This can include several components, including the size of the packaging and the materials it will be made from. 

Some of the most important factors to consider include the size of the package, how the product will be packaged, and the information it needs to convey. 

Once these things are in place, the design process can begin. Before you start, though, make sure you have all of your information ready, including any pictures or product information.

You should also take into account incidental expenses, such as printing and shipping. During the process, your packaging design will probably include some structural design, which will involve a structural engineer. You might be able to get these services for much less than you think. 

And if you need help with the design process, you can always look into solution providers. These providers will be able to advise you on the best ways to package your products.