10 Signs You Should Invest in Dental Software

10 Signs You Should Invest in Dental Software

So, your dental practice is yet to embrace the age of automation. It is still reliant on the conventional mode of manual operations. But have you been noticing signs lately that the manual mode is just not cutting it any more? Here’s pointing out the top ten signs that you need dental software right away.

#1 You can’t find your files when needed

You need your files to know about the patient’s medical history, past billings, present conditions, and so on. You also need those documents to suggest the most suitable course of treatment for the future. Thus, if you are spending way too much time looking for files, it’s a sign that you need the software.

#2 Your staff is manually putting together information

Does your staff actually need to cut and paste information from different places to prepare the files? It leaves a huge room for human errors and the possibility of information duplication.

#3 No one to consolidate all the information

If you are a growing practice with a limited number of staff, consolidation of information can be an issue. You might have all the details you need, but no one to put it all together and store it safely for future reference.

#4 Creating information silos in the practice

In a dental practice, information has to be shareable and easy to access. If information silos are created, it means that you are working in a bubble. It increases the probability of information loss and duplication of valuable details across departments.

#5 You rely too much on physical file locations

With cloud technology and automation becoming the order of the day across dental practices, relying on physical file locations should be a thing of the past. Thus, when you do not leverage the features of dental practice software, you lag behind your competition.

#6 Lack of email integration

If you are still printing out those emails, you are seriously losing a lot of time that could have been well-spent in looking after your patients. Once you get first-hand experience of case and email integration, you will never want to go back to the earlier system.

#7 Poor reviews from the patients

Are your patients constantly complaining about how long they had to wait to see you? Are they mentioning payment related disputes in their reviews? These are all the issues that you can easily resolve by installing practice management software.

#8 A lot of time spent behind every case

When you end up spending too much time dealing with the details of each patient, you get less and less time to increase patient inflow. On the other hand, you can notice a positive change in patient inflow when the administrative tasks are handled by the software.

#9 Your staff is overworked and unmotivated

The presence of the practice management software makes the work of your staff a lot more efficient. They are not overworked and overburdened in terms of looking into the smallest details of administrative work. Thus, they can focus better on answering the needs and queries of your patients.

#10 Taking too long to settle insurance claims

Setting insurance claims is a lot dependent on how accurate the filing is. Moreover, your practice has to file the claim on time in order to get paid fast enough. A practice management software would do a better job for both cases.

If a majority of the signs mentioned above seem familiar to you, the time has come for your practice to go for automation. Choose a high-quality practice management software to solve all the issues at one go.