Picking the Right Paintball Gun For Your Skills

paintball gun

Do you have a paintball tournament coming up? Are you hoping to defeat all your friends on the field?

If so, you’ve got to find the right paintball gun for your skills. You want to choose one that you can handle at your skill level.

You want one that can fire at rapid speeds and that can reach long distances.

So what are the best paintball guns to choose from? How do you assess what makes a great paintball gun?

Read on to find out! This guide will show you how to find a great paintball gun and some of our recommendations for guns.

What to Look for in a Paintball Gun

Let’s first look at the criteria for a great paintball gun. You want to first consider one that’s lightweight for your comfort.

In a paintball tournament, you can expect to run around endlessly. If you get hit with a paintball, you might end up dropping your gun.

Make sure you choose one that isn’t a burden when you run around the field or arena.

You also want to choose one that has a favorable grip. This is also crucial to prevent dropping your gun during high-adrenaline combat tournaments.

Next, let’s look at the firing mechanism. If you are a casual player or a beginner, you want to consider a mechanical paintball gun. This is a simpler gun that doesn’t require battery power to function.

For serious competitors, you want to choose an electro-pneumatic paintball gun.

This gun can be programmed to choose your firing rate and speed. You can find these guns in semi-automatic and automatic modes.

There are also pump paintball guns that offer a great shooting experience and are favored by expert players.

Finally, you want to look at additional features. These are optional but can enhance your shooting experience. They can help with aiming, firing, or even storing more paintballs.

Now let’s look at some of the best paintball guns available for all levels.

Planet Eclipse Etha 2

This is the rare type of paintball gun that works for different skill levels. If you’re learning how to play paintball, this might be the gun for you.

If you’re an expert, you’ll be impressed with the firing and accuracy.

This is a lightweight gun that weighs only 2.2 lbs. It’s a durable paintball gun that’s constructed from a combination of Nylon and Aluminium.

It has a built-in LED indicator that makes it easier for you to aim and pinpoint your targets.

This is a battery-powered paintball gun, which makes it great for combative tournaments.

It’s a semi-automatic gun, so you can ensure continuous firing until you need to recharge the gun. This unique paintball gun also works well in subzero temperatures and up to 100°F!

Tippmann Cronus Tactical Silver

While this paintball gun looks intimidating to most newcomers, it’s a great option for first-time players. If you’re looking for a paintball gun starter kit, this is a great option.

This is a semi-automatic paintball gun that can reach up to 325 feet per second (FPS).

It has two fixed sights that make it easier to aim from a longer distance. This is great if your tournament is in a larger field.

If you try target practice, this is a great feature for a paintball gun.

It comes with a CO2 tank that powers the gun and helps increase firing power. It also comes with other paintball gear such as a mask, barrel squeegee, and a paintball harness.

Planet Eclipse GTEK 170R

This paintball gun works for different skill levels, but it’s probably best for experienced players. This paintball gun is a great option if speed is your priority.

It fires paintballs without using lots of air pressure within the barrel. This allows you to fire in rapid succession.

It has an electronic paintball marker that helps you improve your aim.

It’s a lightweight gun at 2.05 lbs, making it perfect for carrying around while firing. This is perfect for combat tournaments and target practice.

Azodin KP3.5 KAOS

This is a great pump that focuses on intensity when firing. It has an electronic marker that helps improve your accuracy.

With a pump paintball gun, you have to pump the gun before you fire the gun. The more you pump the gun, the greater the velocity that the paintballs will have when firing.

This gun doesn’t have the versatile features that electro-pneumatic guns have, but if your focus is on intense firing, then it’s a great choice.

As pump guns are harder to use, this is the best option for expert players.

It works better for target practice or smaller combat tournaments.

In a high-stakes tournament with many players, this paintball gun might slow you down.

Umarex T4E

Most paintball guns are large and high-maintenance for both beginners and expert players. But every paintball player should try at least one paintball pistol.

The Umarex T4E is an excellent paintball pistol that works for any skill level. Apart from firing paintballs, it can also fire powder balls and rubber balls.

It can fire at a rate of 360 FPS. This is higher than many automatic paintball guns!

This is a great option for improving your target practice. You can experiment to have a pistols-only paintball tournament as well.

Keep in mind that 360 FPS is not allowed in many jurisdictions. You must first check if this paintball pistol is legal in your area.

Tippmann A5 Sniper

Once you become an expert paintball player, you’ve got to try a paintball sniper. The Tippmann A5 Sniper has incredible accuracy for long-range shooting.

It’s a mechanical device, so you have to make sure you have great aim. You can store up to 250 paintballs at a time, and the gun has a range of up to 250 feet.

It has two grips for stable shooting and works with an external gas tank or CO2 tank.

Find Your Paintball Gun

Now that you know the different types of paintball guns for each skill level, you can choose the right one for your needs.

Do further research on each paintball gun and assess what you want. Consider what features you’d like and which ones you don’t need. Consider if you need the gun for target practice or for tournaments.

If you can, try to test out each paintball gun at a local range before buying. Once you get into paintball, you should amass a collection of different guns to try!

Please share this guide with other paintball enthusiasts. There’s more great content on hobbies and games on our website.