What is Yoga? | Yoga poses for 2 persons

What is Yoga? | Yoga poses for 2 persons
What is Yoga? | Yoga poses for 2 persons

These dynamic and fun yoga poses for two people will help you learn how to practice yoga with a partner. You will be able to improve your balance, strength, and flexibility while bonding with a friend or loved one. Take on new challenges together and support each other on your yoga journey.


We are pleased to present our guide to yoga poses for two people. The practice of yoga is a wonderful one that can be enjoyed alone or with a partner. Yoga practice with a friend or loved one can bring a whole new level of challenge and connection. In this guide, we will explore various yoga poses that can be performed with two people, also known as “partner yoga” or “acro yoga.” 

As well as improving your balance, strength, and flexibility, these poses provide a way to bond and support each other in your yoga journey. These poses are suitable for all levels and can be modified to suit your individual needs and abilities, regardless of your level of yoga experience. Let’s get started with a partner.

What is Yoga?

Originally from ancient India, yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. The practice involves physical postures (asanas), controlled breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. A state of physical and mental well-being, as well as spiritual enlightenment, is the goal of yoga.

Yoga is based on the idea that the body and mind are interconnected and that by practicing yoga, one can cultivate balance, strength, and flexibility in both. By practicing yoga, individuals can improve their physical health, reduce stress and anxiety, and gain a sense of inner peace and clarity.

Best 10 Yoga poses for 2 persons

1.Partner Boat Pose (Navasana):

The purpose of this pose is to strengthen the core and improve balance. While one person sits on their feet, the other person sits in a seated position with their legs Holding onto the hands of their partner for support, they extended their arms. The partners should lift their feet off the ground and form a “V” shape with their bodies.

2.Partner Tree Pose (Vrikshasana):

The purpose of this pose is to improve balance and strengthen the legs. As one person stands in a tree pose, the other stands in front of them, facing away from them. Standing partners wrap their arms around their partners’ waists and lean back while supporting one another with their hips.

3.Partner Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III):

It strengthens the legs and improves balance. The first person stands in the Warrior III pose, while the second person stands behind them, holding onto their partner’s hips for support. The back legs of both partners should be lifted off the ground, forming a straight line with their bodies.

4.Partner Crow Pose (Bakasana):

Strengthens the arms and core in this pose. As one person assumes a low squat position, the other person stands in front of them, facing the other person. As the standing partner wraps their arms around their partner’s waist and leans back, the squatting partner supports them by placing their hands on their thighs.

5.Partner Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana):

It strengthens the back and improves flexibility. One person lies on their back with their knees bent, while the other stands at their feet, facing away from them. Standing partners wrap their arms around their partners’ ankles, lifting their feet off the ground while lying partners lift their hips off the ground and support themselves with their hands.

6.Partner Headstand (Sirsasana):

The purpose of this pose is to improve balance and strengthen the core. As one person assumes a headstand, the other person stands behind them, holding onto their ankles for support. Both partners must lift their legs off the ground, forming a straight line with their bodies.

7.Partner Plank Pose (Phalakasana):

As a result of this pose, core strength and arm strength are improved. One individual assumes a plank position while the other stands behind them, facing away. The standing partner wraps their arms around the waist of their planking partner and leans back while the planking partner supports them by engaging their core muscles and maintaining a straight posture.

8.Partner Triangle Pose (Trikonasana):

The purpose of this pose is to improve balance and strengthen the legs. As one person stands in a triangle position, the other stands in front of them facing away from them. A standing partner wraps their arms around their partner’s waist and leans back while the standing partner supports them with their hips.

9.Partner Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): 

The pose strengthens the arms and improves flexibility. One person assumes a downward-facing dog position while the other stands behind them, facing away. As the standing partner wraps their arms around their partner’s waist and leans back, the downward-facing partner supports them by engaging their core and maintaining a straight posture.

10.Partner Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):

The purpose of this pose is to improve flexibility and strengthen the back. One person lies on their back with their knees bent, while the other stands at their feet, facing away from them. The standing partner wraps their arms around their partner’s ankles and lifts their feet off the ground, while the lying partner raises their hips and supports themselves with their hands. The bodies of both partners should form a bridge shape.


To conclude, yoga is a holistic practice that benefits the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga involves physical postures, controlled breathing techniques, and meditation, to achieve physical and mental well-being, as well as a spiritual awakening. Yoga can be practiced alone or with a partner, and there are a variety of styles available, each with its unique focus and approach. 

Acro yoga, also known as partner yoga, involves practicing yoga poses with a friend or loved one and can add a new level of challenge and connection to your practice. Practicing yoga poses with a partner can improve your balance, strength, and flexibility, as well as strengthen your bonds and support one another. You can practice yoga regardless of your level of experience, whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a beginner.