Gum Disease 101: What Is Pyaria Gum Disease?

Pyaria Gum Disease

Thanks to advances in dental technology and better dental hygiene practices, the incidence of pyaria gum disease has decreased significantly since the 1970s. However, the risk of developing it does increase with age, and is made worse by the poor dental hygiene common in the US.

Diligent dental hygiene, regular dental visits, and the cessation of smoking are important factors in decreasing the risk of developing this disease. Usually, this condition is entirely preventable. Poor oral health can even be detrimental to overall health.

To find out more useful facts about this disease, check out the information below.

What Is Pyaria Gum Disease?

Pyaria is a type of gum disease that has progressed from gingivitis into something more damaged. Also known as periodontitis, it can destroy gums, bone, tissue, and teeth. 

At its early stage, gingivitis, there is a bit of inflammation, pain, and redness in the gums around the teeth. This is commonly due to poor oral hygiene practice, allowing the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. 

Symptoms of Pyaria

The symptoms of this disease are typically easy to spot, and largely affect the gums. They include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Sensitivity
  • Pus
  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Loose teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums

At the first sign of any of these symptoms, it’s wise to make a dental appointment as soon as possible. 

Treatment for Pyaria

The best treatment for this condition is performed by a professional dentist. These periodontal services are some examples of what to expect.

The severity of the pyaria will determine the course of action. The dentist needs to remove bacteria and all infected tissue, and this may require serious procedures like a full-mouth debridement. A patient may even require surgical treatment like grafting to replace lost tissue.

Hopefully, however, all that is needed is a thorough prophylaxis, or deep teeth cleaning. The dentist will remove all the tartar and hardened calculus that hosts bacteria in the mouth and damages the gums.

After treatment, it’s necessary for patients to maintain excellent oral hygiene practices and cease risk behavior like smoking.

Prevention of Pyaria

The painful and expensive treatment of pyaria can be entirely prevented with good oral hygiene. This means brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Don’t forget to schedule and attend a deep teeth cleaning session with a professional dentist or dental hygienist every six months. 

There are some additional products that assist at-home dental hygiene. Water irrigation tools and specially formulated anti-plaque and anti-tartar toothpastes and rinses also help. 

There are certain risk factors that increase the chances of developing this disease, including smoking, drug use, genetics, obesity, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiency, and some diseases like diabetes. Consult your dentist if you have one of these.

More Important Health Information

The good news is that pyaria gum disease is completely treatable and can be prevented from recurring. If you notice any trouble with your gums, make sure to contact your local dentist as soon as possible. With adequate prevention, you can avoid developing pyaria. 

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